Englisch-Spanisch Übersetzung für back

  • espaldaNo podemos dar la espalda a Bielorrusia. We cannot turn our backs on Belarus. No volvamos la espalda a nuestros principios. Let us not go back on our principles. No podemos dar la espalda a esos pueblos. We cannot turn our backs on those people.
  • traseroDe hecho, todo está pasando en nuestro patio trasero. Indeed, it is all in our back yard. ¡Acuérdense de abrocharse el cinturón también en el asiento trasero! Remember to fasten your safety belt in the back too. Nunca he apoyado el principio de «no en mi patio trasero». I have never supported the principle of 'not in my back yard'.
  • atrasadoEl Parlamento incluso ha atrasado la entrada en vigor durante 12 meses porque nos tomamos en serio la difícil y particular situación económica de las compañías aéreas. The Parliament has even put back the entry into force for 12 months because we take the airlines’ particular and difficult economic situation seriously.
  • de atrás
  • de vueltaPero se impuso la sensatez y ahora lo tenemos de vuelta. But sense prevailed and now we have it back. Señora Presidenta, me alegra ver de vuelta al señor Vondra. Madam President, I am glad to see Mr Vondra back. Hay refugiados que deben encontrar su camino de vuelta a casa. There are refugees who must find their way back home.
  • fondoEn el fondo, estamos haciendo un buen negocio. We are doing good business on the back of this. Los fondos para esta causa ya se han recortado en todo el mundo. Funds for this cause have already been cut back worldwide. Entonces apoyamos la movilización del Fondo Europeo de Solidaridad. On that occasion we backed the mobilisation of the European Solidarity Fund.
  • lomoHoy ya no hay viajes a lomos de una mula porque usamos los aviones, ya no existe una lengua franca, pero están nuestros excelentes traductores simultáneos. Today there are no more journeys on mule-back because we use aeroplanes, there is no longer a lingua franca but we have our wonderful simultaneous interpreters.
  • anteriorEsto me recuerda un poco el pasado, mis anteriores actividades. That takes me back a little to my former activities. Con ello paso a comentar la intervención del anterior orador. That brings me back to the last speaker. Está claro que el documento anterior data del año 80. The old document, of course, dates back to 1980.
  • apartadoEl apartado económico de la UEM ha pasado a un segundo plano. The economic aspect of EMU has been put on the back-burner. Señor Presidente, de conformidad con el apartado 2 del artículo 69 solicito la devolución a la comisión. Mr President, in accordance with Article 69 (2), I call for referral back to committee. La mayor parte de la resolución de hoy cuenta con nuestro respaldo pero hemos ello una excepción con el apartado 7 por dos motivos. Most of today's resolution has our backing, but we take exception to paragraph 7 for two reasons.
  • arrinconado
  • atrásSi no podemos dar marcha atrás, no hay margen. No callback - no wide latitude. Por esto, tenemos que dar marcha atrás. That is why we must step back. Insto a la CIG a que no de un paso atrás. I urge the IGC not to step back from it.
  • caboVolveremos a examinar cómo llevar a cabo estas cosas. We will come back on how to do these things. Sin embargo, nunca se ha llevado a cabo su plena aplicación. We are asking the Commission to go back and look it. En el Parlamento se llevó a cabo un debate muy específico, al que siguió en enero la reciente comunicación. The debate on the reform of the Employment Strategy started back in July last year.
  • dar marcha atrásPor esto, tenemos que dar marcha atrás. That is why we must step back. Si no podemos dar marcha atrás, no hay margen. No callback - no wide latitude. Sin embargo, creo que es posible dar marcha atrás. Yet, I think it is possible to step back.
  • de regresoTodo esto son cosas muy bonitas que los ministros pueden decir a sus grupos de apoyo de regreso a casa. These are all nice things for ministers to tell their grass-roots support back home. Todas ellas son aves que recorren enormes distancias, a menudo desde el sur de África hasta el norte de Europa y de regreso. These are all birds that fly enormous distances, often from southern Africa up to northern Europe or back.
  • defensaPero me complace que a nosotros nos corresponda la segunda línea de defensa en caso de que los Estados miembros no cumplieran con su deber. But I am pleased that we have the fall-back position should Member States fail in their duty. En consecuencia, ante todo franqueza, claridad y decisión, pero siempre encaminadas hacia una única solución: no fomentar el comercio, sino la defensa de la salud del público. Mr President, this is obviously an initial reaction, and clearly we are going to have to come back to this in more detail. A fin y al cabo, la instauración y la defensa de zonas seguras para los kurdos no puede atribuirse directamente a una resolución del Consejo de Seguridad. The setting up and protection of safe areas for the Kurds cannot be directly traced back to a resolution of the Security Council.
  • defensorLa institución del primer Defensor del Pueblo de Europa se remonta a 1809 y tuvo lugar en Suecia. The institution of the first ombudsman in Europe dates back to 1809 in Sweden. El señor Abou, abogado y defensor de los derechos humanos, cuya liberación pedimos ya en junio de 2006, acaba de comenzar su tercer año en prisión. Mr Abou, a lawyer and human rights activist whose release we were demanding as far back as June 2006, has just begun his third year in prison. Como señaló el Defensor del Pueblo cuando presentó su informe anual en abril de este año, el trabajo esencial consiste en desarrollar la confianza de los ciudadanos en la UE. As the Ombudsman pointed out when he presented his annual report back in April this year, the crucial work is about building citizens' trust in the EU.
  • distanteLa segunda lección es que nunca se debe remitir a la gente a una embajada distante de una capital o incluso a su país de origen para obtener un visado. The second lesson is that you must never send people back to a distant embassy in a capital city or even in their country of origin to get a visa.
  • dorsoNo obstante, se podría escribir en el dorso de un billete de 1 euro lo que sabían sobre los objetivos de la UE. However, you could write what they knew about the aims of the EU on the back of a one euro note. Al dorso del producto figurará una inscripción poco visible, en caracteres pequeños, que indicará su nueva composición. There will perhaps be a discreet entry, in small letters on the back of the package, indicating its new composition.
  • envés
  • espaldar
  • extremoNo podemos volver a los extremos de los días del capitalismo incontrolado -¡el mundo de Oliver Twists!-. We cannot go back to the extremes of the days of rampant capitalism - the world of Oliver Twists! Volviendo a Austria, una de las razones por las que se ha llegado a esos extremos es quizá que este país no ha realizado un trabajo de memoria suficientemente objetivo. Coming back to Austria, one reason why it has come to this extreme situation is perhaps that this country does not have a sufficiently objective memory of the past. No obstante, reivindicar, en la situación actual, que la causa se conoce, sin tener una investigación de laboratorio fundamentada que la respalde, es negligente en extremo. However, to claim, in this situation, that the cause is known, without having well-founded laboratory research to back it up, is negligent in the extreme.
  • hacia atrásNo tiene mucho sentido que miren hacia atrás. There is little point in their looking back. A la vez que hemos dado algunos pasos hacia delante, también lo hemos hecho hacia atrás. While we have taken some steps forward, we have also taken some steps back. Detengámonos por un momento y volvamos la mirada hacia atrás, hacia el período inmediatamente anterior. Let us stop for a moment and look back on the period just gone by.
  • ir marcha atrás
  • parte de atrás
  • parte traseraLas advertencias acerca de los daños para la salud deben ocupar el 40% de la parte frontal del paquete y el 50% de la parte trasera. Health warnings will take up 40% of the front of the packet and 50% of the back. Volé a Jaffna -creo que fui el primer ministro de cualquier país que lo hizo- en la parte trasera de un helicóptero de combate indio. I flew into Jaffna - I think I was the first minister from anywhere to do so - in the back of an Indian helicopter gunship. ¡Qué información! En letras minúsculas, con un lenguaje incomprensible, en la parte trasera del envase. Yet this is nonsensical when this information is written in small letters in an incomprehensible language on the back of the packaging.
  • posteriorEstoy seguro de que tendremos que volver sobre ello en una fase posterior. I am sure we will have to come back to this at a later stage. Espero que en una fecha posterior retomemos este debate. I hope that we will come back to this discussion at a later date. Una información imprecisa, casi ilegible, escondida en la cara posterior del envase del producto. A tiny piece of difficult-to-read information, hidden on the back of the product wrapper.
  • respaldarPor estas razones, no puedo respaldar el informe. For these reasons, I cannot back the report. Les doy las gracias por respaldar este compromiso. You have my thanks for backing this compromise. Podemos utilizarlo par respaldar nuestros argumentos a escala mundial. We can use it to back up our arguments worldwide.
  • respaldoPor ello el informe cuenta con mi respaldo. The report therefore has my backing. Tenemos que darle todo nuestro respaldo. We all ought to give this our backing. ¿Se dispondrá de un respaldo logístico suficiente? Will there be sufficient logistical back-up?
  • retrocederEstá claro que no podemos retroceder. There is certainly no way back. No se puede retroceder sobre este paradigma. We cannot go back on this paradigm. Pero retrocedería incluso más en el tiempo. I would even go further back than that.
  • reversoPor ejemplo, en Francia ha habido problemas con fraudes relacionados con el endoso del reverso de cheques extendidos a un banco que estaba siendo pagado a una cuenta de terceros. For example, in France, there have been problems with back-of-cheque endorsement frauds on cheques made out to a bank being paid into a third-party account.
  • revertirSi este dinero no se utiliza, no revertirá en el sector, sino que servirá para financiar otros proyectos o se devolverá. If this money is not used, it will not be ploughed back into the sector but will fund other projects or will be paid back. Tras el acuerdo unánime del Consejo, ciertos Estados miembros parecen estar rompiendo su palabra e intentando revertir la atención especial que ahora debería concederse a la deuda pública. Following the unanimous agreement of the Council, certain Member States seem to be breaking their word and to be trying to go back on the particular attention that should now be given to public debt.
  • revésSin embargo, el proceso de paz entre turcos y kurdos ha sufrido un grave revés. Nevertheless, the Turko-Kurdish peace process has suffered a severe set back. Este terrible acto de violencia supone un duro revés para Kosovo. This terrible act of violence has set Kosovo back a long way. No debemos hacer las cosas al revés, debemos empezar con los fundamentos y eso significa «no a la energía nuclear». We must not do things back to front, we must start with the basics, and that means ‘no nukes’.
  • sostener
  • viejoPor favor, piensen en la posibilidad de volver al viejo sistema. Please consider going back to the old system. ¡Basta con que se acuerde, si lo desea, de los viejos lagos de leche! Just think back, if you will, to the old milk lakes! No dejemos que vuelvan de verdad los viejos tiempos del «quiero que me devuelvan mi dinero». Let us not allow the bad old days of ‘I want my money back’ to return with a vengeance.
  • volverVolveré a insistir más adelante en esto. I will be coming back to this. Volveré sobre esto más adelante. I will come back to that later. Volveré a hablar de ello más adelante. I shall come back to that later.

Definition für back

  • Near the rear
  • Not current
  • Far from the main area
  • In arrear; overdue
  • Moving or operating backward
  • Pronounced with the highest part of the body of the tongue toward the back of the mouth, near the soft palate (most often describing a vowel
  • To or in a previous condition or place
  • Away from the front or from an edge
  • In a manner that impedes
  • In a reciprocal manner; in return
  • Earlier, ago
  • Before now, ago
  • The rear of the body, especially the part between the neck and the end of the spine and opposite the chest and belly
  • That which is farthest away from the front
  • Upper part of a natural object which is considered to resemble an animal's back
  • A support or resource in reserve
  • The keel and keelson of a ship
  • The roof of a horizontal underground passage
  • Effort, usually physical
  • A non-alcoholic drink , to go with hard liquor or a cocktail
  • Among leather dealers, one of the thickest and stoutest tanned hides
  • To go in the reverse direction
  • To support
  • To change direction contrary to the normal pattern; that is, to shift anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere, or clockwise in the southern hemisphere
  • To lay out a second, smaller anchor to provide additional holding power
  • To push or force backwards
  • To get upon the back of; to mount
  • To place or seat upon the back
  • To make a back for; to furnish with a back
  • To adjoin behind; to be at the back of
  • To write upon the back of, possibly as an endorsement
  • To sign or endorse (a warrant, issued in another county, to apprehend an offender
  • A large shallow vat; a cistern, tub, or trough, used by brewers, distillers, dyers, picklers, gluemakers, and others, for mixing or cooling wort, holding water, hot glue, etc


  • Go in the back door of the house
  • I’d like to find a back issue of that magazine
  • They took a back road
  • They still owe three months back rent.
  • back action
  • He gave back the money.   He needs his money back.   He was on vacation, but now he’s back.   The office fell into chaos when you left, but now order is back
  • Sit all the way back in your chair
  • Step back from the curb
  • Fear held him back
  • If you hurt me, Ill hurt you back
  • We met many years back
  • I last saw him a day or two back
  • Could you please scratch my back?
  • I hurt my back lifting those crates
  • I still need to finish the back of your dress
  • Can you fix the back of this chair?
  • He sat in the back of the room
  • Turn the book over and look at the back
  • The titles are printed on the backs of the books
  • Tap it with the back of your knife
  • I hung the clothes on the back of the door
  • Well meet out in the back of the library
  • The car was near the back of the train
  • The backs were lined up in an I formation
  • The small boat raced over the backs of the waves
  • The ships back broke in the pounding surf
  • Put some back into it!
  • Could I get a martini with a water back?
  • the train backed into the station; the horse refuses to back
  • I back you all the way; which horse are you backing in this race?
  • to back oxen
  • The mugger backed her into a corner and demanded her wallet
  • to back books
  • to back a letter; to back a note or legal document
  • to back the oars

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