Englisch-Tcheche Übersetzung für that is to say
- totižEvropská unie totiž dosud nebyla právně vázána dodržovat lidská práva. The Union, that is to say, was not previously obliged to observe human rights. Totiž tak, že už nebude světu nic vnucovat, ale bude se pouze snažit ho inspirovat. That is to say, it will no longer force anything on the world, but will seek only to inspire. Pane předsedající, na závěr bych se chtěl vyjádřit k tématu, které jste zde někteří nadhodili, totiž k otázce dluhu. Mr President, I would like to say a final word on a subject that several of you have raised, that is to say, debt.
Definition für that is to say
- One of the best things about works of music is that they are repeatable, that is to say that one can listen to the same work over and over without becoming tired of it
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