Deutsch-Englisch Übersetzung für heran
- hereWomen's rights campaigners from Islamic countries approach us, hoping that something will be done about it here. Frauenrechtlerinnen aus islamischen Ländern treten an uns heran und hoffen, dass hier etwas geändert wird. That does not even come close to Cecilia Malmström's number of engagements with Parliament, because she has been here 25 times to speak to you. Das reicht nicht einmal annähernd an die Zahl der Begegnungen heran, die Cecilia Malmström mit diesem Parlament hatte, denn sie war 25 Mal hier, um vor Ihnen zu sprechen. You wait here while I fetch my coat
- close toIn my opinion, paragraph 24 is close to the limit. Punkt 24 kommt meiner Meinung nach an diese Grenze heran. That does not even come close to Cecilia Malmström's number of engagements with Parliament, because she has been here 25 times to speak to you. Das reicht nicht einmal annähernd an die Zahl der Begegnungen heran, die Cecilia Malmström mit diesem Parlament hatte, denn sie war 25 Mal hier, um vor Ihnen zu sprechen. It lasted close to an hour
- close upThe crowd closed up and I couldnt get through to the train.We finally managed to close up the shop for the night at about 10 oclock.The car factory has closed up for the August holidays.
- hitherHe went hither and thither.
- nearI cant see near objects very clearly without my glasses.Stay near at all times.The end is near
- over toLets go over to Peter Smith, our commentator at the match.Over to you, John.Now, over to our man in Tokyo for an on-the-spot report.
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