Englisch-Isländisch Übersetzung für cream
Definition für cream
- The butterfat/milkfat part of milk which rises to the top; this part when separated from the remainder
- A yellowish white colour; the colour of cream
- Frosting, custard, creamer or another substance similar to the oily part of milk or to whipped cream
- The best part of something
- A viscous aqueous oil/fat emulsion with a medicament added, used to apply that medicament to the skin. (compare with ointment
- Semen
- The chrism or consecrated oil used in anointing ceremonies
- Cream-coloured; having a yellowish white colour
- To puree, to blend with a liquifying process
- To turn a yellowish white colour; to give something the color of cream
- To ejaculate
- To ejaculate in (clothing
- To skim, or take off by skimming, as cream
- To furnish with, or as if with, cream
- To gather or form cream
- Take 100 ml of cream and 50 grams of sugar…
- I take my coffee with two cream and three sugar
- the cream of the crop; the cream of a collection of books or pictures
- You look really sunburnt; you should apply some cream
- Cream the vegetables with the olive oil, flour, salt and water mixture
- We creamed the opposing team!
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