Deutsch-Englisch Übersetzung für schicht
- layerThe CO2 in the tropospheric layer holds in the warmth so that we do not get too cold. Das CO2 in der troposphärischen Schicht isoliert, so dass die Temperaturen auf der Erde nicht zu stark sinken. The ozone in the stratospheric layer protects us from harmful UV radiation from the sun. Das Ozon in der stratosphärischen Schicht schützt uns vor schädlicher UV-Strahlung der Sonne. What is the estimated cost of each new layer on the sarcophagus and what are the risks involved? Welche Kosten ergeben sich für jede neue Schicht des Sarkophags, und welches Risiko birgt das?
- shiftProduction cannot therefore be increased overnight, for instance by introducing a second shift. Sie kann daher nicht - beispielsweise durch Einführung einer zweiten Schicht - über Nacht erhöht werden. No coal would therefore be produced over an eight-hour shift and the power station only had three days' supply. Während der 8-Stunden-Schicht wurde also keine Kohle gefördert, und die Vorräte des Kraftwerks reichten nur für drei Tage. In Finland we have carried out very interesting experiments and had interesting results from the 6+6 scheme, where the previous eight-hour shift has been replaced by two six-hour slots. In Finnland gibt es sehr interessante Versuche und Ergebnisse des 6 + 6 Systems, in dessen Rahmen eine bisherige 8-Stunden-Schicht durch zwei sechsStunden-Schichten ersetzt worden ist.
- ledge
- sheetUse the sheets in the hall closet to make the bed.A sheet of paper measuring eight and one-half inches wide by eleven inches high is a popular item in commerce.Paper is designated “20 pound” if a stack (ream) of 500 sheets 22 inches by 17 inches weighs 20 pounds.
- stratumThe countries that joined in 2004 suffer from the complete absence of a strong stratum of small and medium-sized enterprises. In den Ländern, die 2004 beigetreten sind, fehlt völlig eine starke Schicht kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen. It has not reduced carbon emissions at all, yet it has created a whole new stratum of bureaucracy, administration and expense for industry. Es hat die CO2-Emissionen überhaupt nicht reduziert und stattdessen eine ganz neue Schicht aus Bürokratie, Verwaltung und Ausgaben für die Industrie geschaffen. In the majority of the new Member States, the only social stratum benefiting from EU accession is the national, economic and political elite. Die einzige soziale Schicht in den neuen Mitgliedstaaten, die vom Beitritt zur EU profitiert, ist die nationale, wirtschaftliche und politische Elite.
- blanketThe baby was cold, so his mother put a blanket over him.The city woke under a thick blanket of fog.A press operator must carefully wash the blanket whenever changing a plate.
- classWhich social class are we talking about? Von welcher gesellschaftlichen Schicht reden wir denn? We cannot be indifferent to anti-Semitism in Russia, particularly when it is propagated by the political class. Antisemitismus in Russland darf uns nicht gleichgültig lassen, besonders wenn er von einer politischen Schicht ausgeht. Whether patients obtain the relevant information depends on languages, IT skills and often even social class and networks. Ob Patienten die entsprechenden Informationen erhalten, ist abhängig von Sprachen, IT-Fertigkeiten und oft auch von der sozialen Schicht und Netzwerken.
- dutyWe dont have a duty to keep you hereI’m on duty from 6 pm to 6 amcustoms duty; excise duty
- filma clear plastic film for wrapping foodA Hollywood studio was filming on location in NYCI tried to film the UFO as it passed overhead
- patchHis sleeves had patches on the elbows where different fabric had been sewn on to replace material that had worn away.I cant afford to replace the roof, which is what it really needs. Ill have the roofer apply a patch.Before you can fix a dam, you have to apply a patch to the hole so that everything can dry off.or that it is temporary because it is not meant to last long or will be removed as soon as a proper repair can be made, which will happen in the near future
- seamSeams can be made or sealed in a variety of ways, including adhesive bonding, hot-air welding, solvent welding, using adhesive tapes, sealant, etc
- stratified
- thicknessThe thickness of the Earths crust varies from two to 70 kilometres.We upholstered the seat with three thicknesses of cloth to make it more comfortable to sit on.Whip the cream until it reaches a good thickness.
- tier
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